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How To Turn Your Big Ideas Into A Reality

This article is based on a conversation I had with Whitney Freya for the Podcast.1

From Zero to Art Center
Whitney always had a massive desire to be an artist and to teach art, but like many others she was discouraged from doing art by the comments of an art teacher who told her that she had a good sense of colour but couldn’t draw. She also says that we are raised in a system where creativity and artistic creations are only valuable if people are willing to pay money for them. Whitney says the arts are here to help humanity and are valuable activities in and of themselves because they cultivate creativity.

Whitney eventually opened an art center and invited people to start attending classes. After a while she started teaching the classes herself because she felt the art teachers who were teaching her classes didn’t match her ethos which had more to do with being creative than artistic technical expertise. 

10 Things You Can Do to Make Your Big Ideas Become a Reality
  1. If you have a strong desire to be anything, chances are you were meant to be there at some point in your life. For example, Whitney was a huge wanna-be artist. Despite what other people said and even what she told herself she pursued that dream and today she is an artist and teaches others to be artists as well.
  2. Being creative and making art helps you to be creative in all areas of your life. So, be creative and make art!
  3. Adopt an artist mentality to create the life of your dreams. Early in Whitney’s career, she was reading the book, Zen & the Art of Making a Living in the Post-Modern World 3 and the author insists that unless you adopt an artist's mentality, you won't be able to create the life of your dreams. Whitney says that what she learned through the book and during her early career was that the world is so much more like a blank canvas than a linear step-by-step progression. She says, life is open and it’s up to you to create what you want. In her case, it was an art center where everyone is welcome to be creative and do art.
  4. Follow your intuition. Whitney never really had much of a plan; she just knew what she really wanted to do and was open to whatever her intuition told her the next step was. She listened and stepped out and did it.
  5. If you’re excited about an idea, that’s a good sign that you are meant to do it. On top of that, wait for confirmation and be open to the next steps. 
  6. Don’t look too far ahead or you might get overwhelmed. As we said earlier, simply be open and take the next step. The rest will follow and how you accomplish your big idea will evolve naturally and not always as you might have expected it to. Also, be open to things not going the way you expected them to and accept and adjust as you go.
  7. Remain present. In Whitney’s pursuit of her ideas and dreams she felt that it’s important to stay present; stay present and follow the clues. Don’t feel like you have to come up with the entire plan to begin with. If the universe wants to do something through you, wait for the universe to show you and then co-create it with you.
  8. Be courageous. Same as number 7; Whitney believes that in the pursuit of her big ideas and dreams she has always felt that it’s very important to be courageous.
  9. Care for and nurture your level of vibrational wellness which Whitney talks about in her book 30 Days to Unstoppable: Be the Dream Made Visible. 4 One way to do that is to focus on what’s possible when it comes to your big idea rather than all the reasons why it won’t work. Whitney did this when her marriage fell apart. She worked very hard to keep her vibration high and says that her painting practice helped her a lot during this time. She decided to practice what she was teaching. She says, thoughts become things so why not focus on what you want instead of what you don’t want. All of this has worked for her. She now has zero credit card debt and has bought a house.
  10. Trust that, “When one door closes another door opens.” 5 If a door closes as you pursue the accomplishment of your big idea, it’s probably making space for something else, so instead of holding on, why not let go?
5 Alexander Graham Bell

Who is Whitney Freya?

Whitney Freya is an expert in inspired living. She's the author of three books on personal creativity. The most recent is called 30 Days to Unstoppable: Be the Dream Made Visible  Whitney is also an inspirational speaker and the leader of a community that circles around the fire of inspiration and personal freedom through her online programs and coaching and training. on YouTube on Apple Podcasts
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