About fuelradio

  • Welcome to the FuelRadio.com Podcast  where we provide listeners with the information and inspiration they need to live their best life. 

    Our commitment to our guests is that we will do all we can to help you communicate your valuable message, and share it with as many people as we can.

    Topics of Conversation 
    I'd love to talk with people who have adopted a "wifi" entrepreneurial life meaning they are working when they want, where they want and with whom they want. I'm also happy to talk with successful coaches.

    Popular Episodes
    • Learning to Love Yourself with Sarah Blondin - Soundcloud and Insight Timer (Over 195,000+ downloads)
    • Stillness:  A Guided Meditation with Rod Janz - YouTube (21,000+ views)
    • How To Change Your Life with Small Sustainable Changes with Terry Barkman - YouTube (10,000+ views)
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    Some questions we might ask...

    We will do some research about you and inevitably we will find something that we want to ask that is not in the question set that we will send to you. We ask our guests to show up 15 minutes ahead of time so we can make sure the tech is working (we are currently using either Streamyard or Zoom) and to see if you have any questions about the questions. We love knowing the story behind what you do. If you are an author, for example, what was the journey like to becoming an author? How did you arrive at the things you teach in your book? What has been the impact of the book? What's next?

    FuelRadio.com's commitment to our guests
    Each podcast/videocast takes about five hours of team effort to put together. We will do our best to help you share your message. That includes research, interviewing you, editing your audio and video, creating graphics, creating a blog post, multiple social posts, and more. 

    For guests
    In these instructions you will find instructions about video, lighting and sound.

    Other Projects
    For other podcast and video interviews CLICK HERE
    Guest Testimonials
    Rod is the ideal interviewer. He puts you at ease, and sets you up for success!  - Terry Barkman, The Sailboat Coach, Sail Boat Coaching International
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    Rod is the consummate professional. Interested and interesting, Rod makes a great host because he makes the guest the centre of his attention in order to get the best possible result for the audience. You are working with the best when you are working with Rod. - John NieuwenburgBusiness Coach, W5 Coaching
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    Thank you so much Rod for having me on the show. I thoroughly enjoyed chatting with you and you asked me some very good questions! I hope that your listeners were helped by our discussion. Keep up the good work! - Sue Potgieter, Nutritionist The Genuine Living Company

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